Welcome wine club members. Below, please find the most recent wine club newsletters. In them you will find info on wines, upcoming events, member benefits, special pairings, and more! Cheers.
Well, we missed you…and our newsletter publication in March! It’s been (or shall I say, I’ve been…) a little bonkers, but as the Mad Hatter says, all the best people are!
I love May - full of showy blooms and a certain something that gives us an increased “spring” in our step – perhaps it’s the anticipation that travels with this season of promise. At this time of year, we look forward to the season of growth in the vineyards and meeting our old friends and new visitors in the Tasting Room.
Where did the time go – how can it already be November?! With a profession that is so closely tied to the seasons, it should never come as a surprise to me, especially as we took every ounce of summer and are thoroughly enjoying the transition to the autumn colors.
As I said last year at this time, we feel our partnership has allowed us to be as successful as we have - we still love working together in this family business. This year, our sons Duncan and Walker interned at the Winery, and we are thrilled that our second generation is becoming involved in the business. We feel a great sense of pride knowing that our philosophies have come to bear in our sons and that they too have a love for this business, this lifestyle, that has surrounded them since birth.
I remember a time not long ago, when Rosé was considered a “woman’s wine” or a wine not to be taken as seriously as the well established Chardonnay or big, bold reds. My how times have changed – “Posy” - our Rosé, is the go-to summer wine for such a broad range of our loyal fans, whether they are red or white aficionados. For, Rosé is ripe with personality.
Your March shipment is the 2013 Russian River Zinfandel & 2013 Dry Creek Zinfandel. Uniquely known in the wine drinking world as, ”the California varietal,” Zinfandel has been an important wine for Stephen & Walker. Our 2011 and 2012 vintages of our Dry Creek Zinfandel have both been awarded the prestigious “Best of Region, Sonoma County” at the California State Fair and both vintages have also received multiple Gold Medals and “Best of Class.” This shipment is truly special.
This year marked my 30th grape harvest on California’s North Coast, and in what also makes for a memorable year, 2015 was California’s earliest harvest on record! An early harvest is quite lovely, with no rain or cold to fuss with, and with the quality of the fruit we brought into the winery, we should have even more cause to celebrate. The Sauvignon Blanc was first in, with excellent quality again this year. All of our red grapes were absolutely beautiful – the flavors we achieved in this record heat! And, ripening literally neck and neck, our Pinot Noir, Carignane, Zinfandel and Petite Sirah were all delivered within 15 days of each other, putting quite a bit of stress on the tank fermentation space in the winery. Tony was brilliant in coordinating the tanks perfectly with the computerized pneumatic punch down, allowing us to crush into the tanks, press off and refill again. Everything is now barreled down, resting!